Easy DIY Beauty Hacks!

Every now and then we all get to the point, when we need to have a little spar day and really get together not only our looks, but also our minds. Over the time, I have collected some ideas, tricks and DIYs that I like to do and use whenever I need to. They are pretty easy and enjoyable and obviously worth the try!

1. DIY Face Scrub

Isn't it annoying, when the skin on your face starts peeling? And you feel like a snake losing its skin? Well, I really do not like that. The makeup comes off and the skin feels dry. Using a face scrub obviously does the job! But they can be really expensive, right? Also, me, personally, I do not like putting things on my face/skin without knowing which ingredients are in there! So I will now present to you an easy (and yummy!) and cheap DIY Face Scrub: you will need:
  • A Small Bowl
  • A Spoon
  • Sugar
  • Olive oil (you can also use coconut oil, depends on whether you are allergic or not)
And that is it! Put 1-2 TBs of sugar in the bowl and add just as much oil as necessary! So it should be more sugar than oil. The next step is to mix it well together. After washing off any makeup, you can simply put the mixture on your face and start scrubbing! I like to leave it on for a while. Then just wash it off and tada! Your face will feel smooth and your dead skin should be gone! (You can also use this mixture on dry lips or your hands.)

2. DIY Body Scrub

Now for your body you could obviously use the same mixture as before, but let me present to you another version. You will obviously need more of the products and you should only do it in the shower, it can get very dirty! You will need:
  • A Small Bowl
  • A Spoon
  • Sugar
  • Olive Oil/Coconut Oil
  • Coffee grounds
  • Honey
Just mix it together, using more dry ingredients since it should be a scrub. If it is too dry, add oil, if it is too oily, add sugar! Use it before washing your body and I tell you , your skin will feel so smooth!

3.  Getting rid of pimples

Having pimples sucks, doesn’t  it. They look ugly and are in no way positive or helpful! I really don't like putting medical stuff on my pimples, since my skin is very sensitive and it mostly creates more damage! A quick and easy trick that I have learned is to put on Teatree oil! You can buy it as an acne fighter, or use pure teatree oil. To really, really fight this huge red pimple, you should use the oil at least 3-5 times a day. It really works, trust me!

4. DIY Face Mask

If your skin - for once! - looks good and clean, you obviously do not want it to be full of pimples again, right? To prevent your skin from breaking out, use this simply DIY mask! It is very easy:
  • 3 TBs of Oats
  • 1/4 cup of warm water
  • 1 TB of Coconut oil
Mix it all together and use it on your freshly washed face! Leave it on for about 15 minutes. What I like to do is rub in the mask when applying it, so the skin really takes in the B-Vitamins from the oats!

5. Getting those long lashes and bushy brows!

I used to have pretty short eyelashes. You really could not see them! Even with some mascara or eyelash curler, they would not show up. I was really happy when I found out, that there was a natural oil that can make your lashes and eyebrows grow! And really, it does! I have such long and full lashes, my eyebrows look fuller too! The magical oil I am talking about is Castor Oil. You should use cold-processed oil, since it really has all the good stuff your lashes need to grow. Just put a bit of oil on your finger and gently rub it on your lashline as well as on your eyebrows. Your lashes (probably) will not grow overnight. If you add this step to your night routine you will get used to it and eventually see a big change!
But before using it the first time, try it on your wrist to see if you are allergic.

I hope you try and enjoy these hacks! Some of them sadly do not work for everyone, but why not try it? Maybe it is the cure to some problems of yours.
Lots of love, tani xx
